Sat 5th Oct 10am-3pm, Moving Beyond with Sally Claridge

60.00 inc. VAT



MOVING BEYOND with Sally Claridge, in collaboration with Yvonne Skelly.

Sat 5th Oct 10am-3pm in Wild Eala, Baltyboys, Co. Wicklow.  Come and immerse in the healing presence of a powerful and loving galactic consciousness.

Together we will:

  • Ground our earthly bodies and travel beyond our human selves to the stars and return home to our hearts and love.
  • Receive, experience and feel the pure healing stream from the galactic collective, to raise your vibration and expand your awareness.
  • Personal Illumination readings within the group to reconnect with your heart, soul and true self.  Your heart already knows.
  • Journeying through the drum to fully ground within yourself, raise your vibration and release your limitations, wounds & past.
  • Experience a fully incorporated channelling with spoken wisdom, personal messages and a direct healing & transformational connection with the galactic collective.

Sally is a naturally gifted channel with a powerful galactic connection that brings spiritual
awakening, physical healing, and emotional breakthroughs in a grounded, supportive and uplifting environment.

Learn more about Wild Eala, our beautiful and sacred ceremonial space that we are blessed to host this event on: